The Piner-Olivet area in the Russian River Valley is home to several great historic vineyards of California— all within just a few square miles. We’re thrilled to be hosting our 2023 Historic Vineyard Society Vineyard Tour & Dinner in this singular subregion.
We invite you to jon us on Saturday, May 20th for an exploration of this historic part of Sonoma County. The event will begin with a tour of 3-4 historic Piner-Olivet vineyards, followed by a seated dinner alongside the vines at Mancini Ranch— paired with wines from the historic vineyards of the Russian River Valley.
Package Price Includes:
(2) Tickets to Mancini Ranch Vineyard Tour & Dinner ($500 value)
(6) Raffle Tickets ($100 Value)
(1) 3-Pack of 2021 Historic Vineyard Society Mancini Ranch Zinfandel ($150 value)
Total Value: $750
Package Price: $700